Introducing InfoTrackID: Revolutionising identity verification for New Zealand lawyers | InfoTrack New Zealand

Introducing InfoTrackID: Revolutionising identity
verification for New Zealand lawyers

In the dynamic realm of legal practice, staying compliant with identity verification procedures has always been a crucial yet time-consuming task. Now, breaking ground in the New Zealand market is InfoTrackID – a pioneering Identity Verification (IDV) solution designed to transform and streamline the client onboarding process. Used by over 9, 500 firms last year in Australia, InfoTrackID for New Zealand has been developed in partnership with Cloudcheck, to provide a secure, convenient, and robust digital platform, enabling remote client identity verification.

The need for transformation in identity verification

For legal professionals, adhering to stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance requirements is essential. However, the traditional methods often involve cumbersome, in-person identity checks. InfoTrackID steps in as a game-changer, ensuring a swift, secure, and compliant solution for seamless IDV checks.

Key features and benefits

Remote identity verification: Clients can securely upload their identity documents, which are cross-referenced with government authorities to generate comprehensive reports. This process ensures a thorough and accurate verification of client identities.

Integrated experience: Exclusively available to all New Zealand LEAP users, InfoTrackID is seamlessly integrated into your workflow. Initiating an IDV request and extracting necessary data from your matters is effortless, with the completed report automatically returned within the relevant matter.

Liveness check: Implementing biometric liveness checks ensures the authenticity of submissions, verifying the identity of the individuals submitting the IDV documents.

Ease of onboarding: Getting started with InfoTrackID is a breeze. By simply filling out a one-time onboarding form, you can kick-start the process, saving valuable time and resources.

State-of-the-art security: The platform conducts checks against the New Zealand Government Document Verification Service (DVS) and the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), ensuring a secure and compliant verification process.

Versatile accessibility: Designed to adapt to modern working practices, InfoTrackID is smartphone-compatible, requiring no additional software downloads. This allows the flexibility to conduct verifications anywhere, at any time.

Time and resource efficiency: Bid farewell to the necessity for clients to physically travel to your office. With InfoTrackID, verifications are conducted remotely, and reports are swiftly returned within minutes, enabling a more efficient client onboarding process.

Embrace the future of legal identity verification

In an era where digital advancements are reshaping industries, InfoTrackID emerges as a leader in simplifying the crucial process of identity verification for legal professionals in New Zealand. With its user-friendly, secure, and integrated features, InfoTrackID offers a new platform for client onboarding, meeting compliance requirements effortlessly.

Experience the capabilities of InfoTrackID by booking a demonstration. See how this cutting-edge solution can revolutionise your identity verification process, saving you time, effort, and resources while ensuring a secure and compliant approach to client onboarding. Don’t miss the opportunity to embrace the future of identity verification with InfoTrackID.
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