SignIT | InfoTrack New Zealand

SignIT eSigning

SignIT eSigning

SignIT is an easy-to-use electronic signing tool that enables you to sign documents online in a few simple steps. SignIT it saves you time and money by allowing you to execute documents faster and avoid the hassle of printing, scanning and posting. We’ve partnered with trusted industry expert DocuSign to ensure a simple and secure signing process.

Any document that can be signed electronically can be uploaded and signed using SignIT

SignIT allows you to upload any document and send it to parties via a secure email link. Parties can then review and sign the document online from any location. You can track who has signed the document on the SignIT dashboard and once all parties have executed, everyone receives a final signed copy. This saves all parties time and improves the user experience.
Step 1
Log into InfoTrack and select SignIT from the searches menu. Enter a matter reference and then upload the document you would like electronically signed.
Step 2
Drag and drop tags to mark where signatures are required within your document.
Step 3
Enter the name and email for each of the signing parties and select ‘Request Signatures’.
Step 4
Parties will receive an email with a link to sign the document. You will be notified once all parties have signed.

Start using SignIT

Simply fill in your details and we will be in touch soon to arrange a quick demonstration.